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QualityShiraishi Kogyo Kaisha, Ltd.

Since March 25, 2004, we have acquired ISO 9001 certification, the international standard for quality management.

ISO 9001 Certification

Certificate No. QC03J0245
Registration Date March 25, 2004
Registered Sites Shiraishi Kogyo Kaisha, Ltd. Osaka Head Office; Tokyo Head Office; Amagasaki Office; Hakuenka Plant; Tosa Plant; Fuji Plant; Tsukumi Plant; Shiraishi Central Laboratories Co., Ltd.; Toyo Fine Chemical Kaisha, Ltd.
Scope of Registration ・Design, development, manufacture, sales of calcium carbonate
・Design, development, manufacture, sales of
calcium phosphate and plastic pigments
・Sales of industrial chemicals and raw materials
Applicable Standards ISO 9001:2015
JIS Q 9001:2015
Validity March 24, 2025
Certification Organization Japan Audit and Certification Organization for Environment and Quality

Quality and Environmental Policy

  • 1) We will make continuous improvements to our quality and environmental management systems to maintain and improve our customers’ trust, supply reliable products and services, and do our part to protect the environment and prevent pollution.
  • 2) We will provide environmentally friendly, safe products and services by observing our customers’ and other requirements, and complying with all environmental and related laws and ordinances.
  • 3) We will formulate and implement targets each fiscal year for every business division related to quality improvements, cost-cutting measures, stable supply, and service enhancement, ascertain the level of achievement, and make continuous improvements.
  • 4) We will formulate and implement environmental goals and targets regarding the appropriate use of resources, ascertain the level of achievement, and make continuous improvements.
  • 5) We will thoroughly communicate our Quality and Environmental Policy to all our employees and affiliated companies, and work to improve their awareness.
  • October 1, 2024
    Masahiko Ota
    Shiraishi Kogyo Kaisha, Ltd.

Quality of Food Additives

In order that our customers can use safe and secure calcium products, we make daily efforts to manage hygiene, ingredients, and the products themselves.
To see more about our efforts regarding food additives, click below.